Book review: Sophie Gonzales – The Perfect Guy Doesn’t Exist

I used to write fanfiction, I used to read fanfiction, I used to love fanfiction. Sophie Gonzales‘ novel The Perfect Guy Doesn’t Exist does not only scream fanfiction – writing fanfiction is an integral part of the plot. So when I found this book at the bookstore and read the blurb, I had to buy it immediately. I didn’t regret it.

Book review: F.T. Lukens – Spell Bound

If I haven’t done so before, I hereby declare F.T. Lukens my favourite author of all times. I mean it. They deserve it. I’ve read three out of their four books (and the fourth one is resting in my bookshelf, waiting for its time to shine) and all of them were absolutely stunning and exactly the type of fiction I looooove. If you’re looking for some cozy queer fantasy, F.T. Lukens is your author. And Spell Bound is worth a consideration.

Book review: F.T. Lukens – In Deeper Waters

F.T. Lukens has my heart in a tight grip. And it all started with So This Is Ever After, a book I randomly discovered as an Amazon recommendation. When I found a copy in the local bookstore I couldn’t get my hands on it fast enough because the summary had sounded so tempting. And I was hooked. I discovered that there were even more books by F.T. Lukens and started running after an English copy – until there was a sale on English books online and I used the opportunity to order both a copy of In Deeper Waters and Spell Bound. Since then, I had been waiting for the right time to finally read one of those two – and now the time has come and I finally dived into yet another fantastic queer adventure. It took me less than 24 hours to finish the entire book and here’s

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Book review: Gry Kappel Jensen – Forget Me Not (Rosenholm Trilogy 2)

It feels a little weird to start reviewing a book series with part 2, but it’s been a bit too long ago that I read part 1 to be able to write a review. If you haven’t read part 1, you should not read the review of part 2, because the summary includes spoilers for part 1. Maybe if I ever find the time and motivation to re-read part 1, I’ll add a review of that one as well. But for now I’ll just do part 2 because I finished reading this one very recently.

Book review: Andreas Dutter – Starlight in our Dreams

Felix, a young man from rural Austria, moves to Cork for his studies. A big step, as he’s generally a rather shy, insecure young man who is highly influenced by a) his belief in Astrology and the fact that his identity is determined by him being Pisces and b) his childhood in an Austrian village, where people weren’t exactly accepting towards his sexuality. In Cork, he tries to start a new life. He moves in with a girl, Cara, he met online who is just as much (if not even more) into Astrology as he is, and takes up Cultural Studies at the UCC. Right at the beginning, he meets Owen – a guy who seems cold on the outside, but turns out to have a very soft core. In contrast to Felix, Owen deoesn’t believe in Astrology at all. So they start a bet: Felix and Cara will pick dates for Owen and, based on their natal chart, will determine how these dates will end. Owen agrees – and chaos enfolds. … Continue readingBook review: Andreas Dutter – Starlight in our Dreams