Concert review: Smash Into Pieces & Cyan Kicks – Resonanzwerk Oberhausen, 02 November 2023

Boom. First time I’ll actually post about a concert here. Don’t take the „concert review“ too seriously, I guess it’s just a bit of rambling. So last night we went to Oberhausen to see Smash Into Pieces. To be fair, yesterday wasn’t exactly my day. I was super tired after work and I wasn’t really too excited about the show either. I like Smash Into Pieces, but it’s not a band I listen to excessively. They were one of my Spotify discoveries that kept popping up in Mixtapes and such and somehow stayed. I was convinced that they would deliver and that the show would be great and I didn’t want my exhaustion to ruin it for me (after all, I’ve been just as tired at other shows and I still managed to enjoy them to the fullest). I told myself „This is probably going to turn me into a

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