Concert review: Normandie, As December Falls & Self Deception, Technikum Munich, 16 March 2024

How far do you go to see a band you love play a set of 30 minutes? In that case: a 6 hour train ride all the way to Munich. I know, there are people who travel with the band, but I’m sure none of those are full-time teachers. So for me and my circumstances, this is quite a distance to travel for only a concert – and I think so far this has been one of the furthest trips I’ve made for a concert exclusively. Anyway, this was the second show of this tour that I attended. I was also at their show in Cologne, but since I had only recovered from a cold and spent the entire rest of the show after Self Deception’s set sitting in a corner with a massive headache and almost unable to breathe, I didn’t write a concert review for it. This time,

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Concert review: Self Deception – You’re Only As Sick As Your Secrets Tour (with Awake The Dreamer, Those Without)

This is basically a combined review. If there’s a band that I love from the deepest bottom of my heart, it’s not unlikely that I’ll visit more than one show of their tour. This applies to Self Deception, a Swedish alternative rock / metalcore band that is my absolute favourite Spotify discovery so far. When they announced their headline tour in Germany, I couldn’t buy tickets fast enough. … Continue readingConcert review: Self Deception – You’re Only As Sick As Your Secrets Tour (with Awake The Dreamer, Those Without)