Book review: Thomas Herzsprung – Der Behandler

Thomas Herzsprung is an author I came across on TikTok. I started following him without having read any of his books mostly because of his personality, but I kept looking for his books in the bookstores. I knew he wrote psycho thrillers and since I’m a huge fan of Sebastian Fitzek and the like, I wanted to give him a chance. Yet, I never found a single book of his in the bookstore and since I usually found something else to take home with me instead, I never thought of ordering a book. Now I recently discovered that as an Amazon Prime member I have access to a selection of free e-books and luckily, his book „Der Behandler“ was available for free, so I decided to give it a try.

Book review: Andreas Dutter – Starlight in our Dreams

Felix, a young man from rural Austria, moves to Cork for his studies. A big step, as he’s generally a rather shy, insecure young man who is highly influenced by a) his belief in Astrology and the fact that his identity is determined by him being Pisces and b) his childhood in an Austrian village, where people weren’t exactly accepting towards his sexuality. In Cork, he tries to start a new life. He moves in with a girl, Cara, he met online who is just as much (if not even more) into Astrology as he is, and takes up Cultural Studies at the UCC. Right at the beginning, he meets Owen – a guy who seems cold on the outside, but turns out to have a very soft core. In contrast to Felix, Owen deoesn’t believe in Astrology at all. So they start a bet: Felix and Cara will pick dates for Owen and, based on their natal chart, will determine how these dates will end. Owen agrees – and chaos enfolds. … Continue readingBook review: Andreas Dutter – Starlight in our Dreams