A tiny sign of life

This post is supposed to be a little update on what’s going on here. There hasn’t been much going on here lately and I was terribly late with some of my concert reviews because my mental health went down the drain towards the end of last year. Now I’m currently working on it, which means I also have a bit of time to sort out stuff on this website. That’s also the main reason why there haven’t been any book or album reviews lately. I didn’t have the time and energy to write anything, although I managed to read quite a few amazing books (I might come back to some of them at some point, because one of them – Cemetery Boys – was an absolute 5 star read last year!). Let’s just say … life’s been busy. I’ve removed info on venues from my concert reviews. For now, they’re stored in

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Ready for take-off?

I decided to start a blog again. I don’t know where this is going, how this is going to go and for how long this is going to go but … let’s give it a try. My core motivation was to stop annoying my poor mastodon followers by making lengthy text posts about concert experiences, music related stuff or whatever I feel like talking about. So I’m trying a blog instead. My aim is to use it for … the afforementioned stuff, mostly. Plus maybe occasional talks about books I’m reading or stories I’m writing. Symphonies – my passion for music (which is usually not very symphonic) – and „poetries“ – my love for literature, although the word „poetry“ is not supposed to be taken literally. I don’t know much about poetry despite being the only one who attended the poetry classes out of interest and not just because it

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