Photo shows Illumishade on stage

Concert review: Delain & ILLUMISHADE, De Pul Uden, 19 January 2024

Let the concert year 2024 begin – with a bang! This show was long anticipated, since ILLUMISHADE are currently in my top 10 favourite bands and this was the first time I would see them live. Yes, we’re back at the „let’s go abroad to see the support act“ game – and it was worth it. Here’s my little concert recap of my first concert in 2024. (Note: This review was written the day after the show, but published significantly later)

Book review: Dominik Gaida – Brynmor University 1: Geheimnisse („Secrets“)

My first book choice in 2024 was taken following an entirely practical approach: the first part of the Brynmor University trilogy by Dominic Gaida had been waiting and smiling at me from my shelf for several weeks and I always postponed it. Until I read that part 2 will come out in February 2024 and so I decided to give it a read to see if it would be worth to wait for the second part – or to even pre-order it. Spoiler: For me personally, it is.

Album review: Fiddler’s Green – The Green Machine

Happy new year I guess. It’s been a while and I wanted to publish this review much earlier, especially given that the CD was in my post box a week before the album was actually published. But first there were Christmas holidays, then were exams to mark and now I’m back to work. I didn’t even manage to finish my 2023 recaps, but who cares – let’s start 2024 with this review.